Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Time Of

I have this whole week off.  So far, it's a very good thing I do as yesterday Jonathan started getting sick. Today he is worse.  He's napped TWICE today. That's a rare thing for him.  We got him in to see Dr. Heger. He got an antibiotic prescription and a script for a wrist brace. He has beginning signs of carpal tunnel.

This past Saturday, I hung out with my theatre group for a Memorial Day BBQ.  We had brats and kebabs and other yummy food. Riley came with me and enjoyed himself as well. :) We also had kitty visitors and Bundy, Gypsy's dog came along.

Calvin was hanging out and causing mischief. He kept jumping up on the food table.
 I decided to take Riley's stroller so he'd have a seat of his own and so I would be able to eat without him on my lap.

Some of the group


Vicki (Who ran the grill)

Mary, with her new hair. She said she'll help me highlight my hair. YAY!

Gypsy and Bundy. He looks a lot like Sandy.

And he thinks he's a lap dog, just like Sandy.

Riley loving on Bundy.

Sunday brought D&D day with the gang which also happened to be Sandy and Mocha's birthday. That's right, my "babies" turned SIX on Sunday!  Where the heck does time go?? I baked them a cake too.

Cosmo kept stealing chairs.

Me and my baby. :)

Cosmo chose to love all over Gypsy. Wouldn't you know, she's allergic?

Birthday cake!  It consisted of flour, veggie oil, honey, peanut butter and shredded carrots.  The "frosting" is cottage cheese.

Can you tell they were excited?
Mocha's a hoover.

Sandy just HAD to take hers to the carpet. Yeah, cottage cheese on the carpet. Lovely!
 So that was Sunday.  Yesterday Jonathan and I (mostly Jonathan as I took care of Riley when he wasn't sleeping or didn't want to play by himself) did an overhaul on the kitchen. We cleared out cabinets and reorganized. We threw a LOT of stuff away. I should have more counter space now. YAY!  Just have to clean the counter tops and stove next.

Today, since Jonathan is sick, I decided it was time for a batch of homemade chicken noodle soup.  I hadn't made this in a couple of years and I have to say it is pretty dang tasty.  I got the recipe from a friend several years ago. If anyone is interested, let me know and I'll post the recipe.

Now, Riley is in bed and Jonathan and I just watched The Voice. I'm considering going to bed here fairly soon. I think some cuddle time with the dogs is in order first. :)

1 comment:

  1. I've noticed that the cats I'm allergic to tend to like to stay around me all the time too, it's like they know.
    Mocha is just like her mommy, I call Peyton Miss Piggy most of the time.
