Friday, May 27, 2011

Oh What a Week!

This week has felt like one of the longest weeks ever!  It wasn't a bad week, just tiring.  I worked every day this week from 8 - 4:30, so I didn't get my midweek day to sleep in, which really was ok. It was nice to be home before 8:30 on Wednesday!  It might not have been so bad, except for one reason or another, I couldn't get Riley to sleep until nearly 11 every night! Silly boy.

So, Monday started out interesting at work to say the least. It started with a bit of unexpected change, but it'll be ok. Monday actually went by really quickly at work. Then I had a nice evening at home with Riley and Jonathan. I blogged about that.

Tuesday..  I barely remember it. LOL  Work was working on getting things wrapped up for the school year.  I had dinner at Mom's , I think, and got home to watch Biggest Loser and Glee.

Wednesday went on just as well as earlier in the week.  I hung out with mom after work. I had pizza while we watched Tuesdays American Idol.

Thursday we had a staff meeting at work. We went over end of the year stuff, stuff for summer and stuff for next year. Then we took time to walk down to our new building for the fall. I am so excited to move!  We have so much more space at the new place! After that we ate lunch at Nieve's, or however it is spelled.  Yeah, I was reminded VERY quickly why we never eat there.  El Maguey is SO much better, service wise and food wise.

Last night, Riley and I hung out at home after I picked him up.  We played on the floor some, had some food.

Looking at the dogs

Working on rolling around.


Watching Oprah.
Yes, Oprah. That's one thing I did last night. I recorded all of Oprah this week. I had to watch the last show. I'm glad I recoded Monday and Tuesday as well. What a surprise they put on for her!

Today was a good, busy day at work.  I managed to stay awake with as tired as I have been. LOL  After I picked Riley up, I got Subway for Jonathan and I.  After Riley ate and I ate, we took a stroll through the park and around some nearby neighborhoods.  We stopped to see Mrs. Billingslea, who used to live across the street from mom and dad. You know who she moved across from when she did move away?  Jennifer, my best friend! LOL  Mickey (Mrs. B) was in the nursing home with Grandma for a little while, while she recovered from heart surgery.  You know, when I was a wee tot, I asked her why she had wrinkly knees. She never let me live that down.. :)

From our stroll...

He was watching people we went by.

He was chewing on the tray.. LOL

How cute is he?

I don't even know... LOL
Tonight he tried parsnips:

 He liked them! I was kind of surprised as the flavor seems a little strong for me

Here we was enjoying some puffs.

 How about some water? :)

It was a good evening.  Thankfully he went down to sleep pretty easily tonight. I look forward to sleeping past 6 tomorrow!

Bring it on, Summer!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a pretty busy week sis. Mine was so boring compared to yours. All I did was watch tv, blog, and cough. heehee
