Friday, May 20, 2011

Oh What A Night...

It has been a busy week.  I had 2 late nights in a row due to graduation being last night.  Graduation was really nice.  A student that I’ve worked with almost all of my time here graduated.  I know I talked about her already, but she is such a special person.  She is also serviced by CCL here in town as she has some disabilities. But you know what? She did it. She took her time and persevered and she got her high school diploma! Nights like last night are one of the reasons my job is so wonderful!

So, that was the good part of my night! LOL  I picked Riley up a little after 8 last night.  He was in good spirits, rolling around on the floor with my nieces with Grandma and Aunt Robin looking on.  He was the entertainment for sure last night!  We got home in good time and hung out for a bit before nap time.  He chewed on my new teething necklace (yay Jana!) and had some peach flavored puffs. 

Bath time went just fine and so did his nightcap (that’s what I call his before bed nursing session).  He even went to sleep just fine last night. I got my shower done and laid down in bed. I surfed facebook for a while and then I noticed my nightstand was wet.  What???  Oh no!! The humidifier is leaking!! What the heck?!

So, in attempts to not wake Riley, I take the tank off and set it on the bed. It’s not leaking itself.  Then I manage to unplug the unit and get the bottom part on the bed while I mop up the water.  What happens next? I move the wrong way on the bed and get a lap-full of COLD water from the bottom part of the humidifier.  YEEGADS!!!  So yeah, I’m trying not to scream in frustration as I frantically search for my cell phone, hoping it didn’t get doused in water. Thank God it didn’t!  Then I go grab more towels to mop up the water.  As Jonathan said later, it’s a good thing I didn’t spill the water on Riley. Hooooo boy, that would have NOT been good!  So… I get the water mopped up and pull off the sheet and the mattress pad (thankfully the water didn’t get on the pillows or blankets) and get another sheet on.  All while Riley stays asleep.  Go me!

So, I’m still awake with Jonathan gets home. I let the dogs down and go sit on the stairs to tell him about the humidifier debacle.  We both got a little giggle out of it, although my giggle was much smaller as it was getting close to 12:30 and I knew my alarm would be going off at 6:05 (TGIF, btw!).  Before going to bed I gave him the wet sheet and mattress pad to put in the wash. It was probably time to wash the sheet anyway (we only use our fitted sheet and blankets, no top sheet).  

So, I get to sleep after 12:30, no big deal, except I wake at 4 to find Riley broken out of his swaddle (Little booger!!) and on his belly in the bassinet. I get him swaddled back up and wait, where’s the pacifier?!?!  Yeah, he had thrown it out of the bassinet before I woke up. LOL  So I had to find that and rinse it off.  Needless to say, Riley spent the rest of my night snuggled in between mommy and daddy. If only I hadn’t had to have gotten up so early this morning! It was a PERFECT morning to sleep in.  Thunder and rain… I LOVE sleeping during a thunderstorm! Maybe we’ll get some more this weekend when I CAN stay in bed!


  1. Sounds like a busy night! LOL! The humidifier things sounds like something that would happen around here, especially to Monte because he's always been a klutz even before the stroke. Glad the rest of your night went well though. =)

  2. We could take him here, no humidifier, but we do have Bundy :p he would keep him moist :D
